Planning for the "Coleman Park" project continues to move forward. The committee will be making its final decision and purchase of new playground equipment this fall. Grant funding in the amount of $22,500 was received for this portion of the project.

Wet ground throughout much of the summer and fall has delayed earth moving and seeding of the area but engineering plans are almost complete.

The “Coleman Park” project began in August 2015 when the Town of Kindersley hosted a public consultation to engage the community in developing a designated greenspace into a park. The area to be developed is 2.9 acres in size and lies between Coleman Crescent and Hahn Crescent. A committee of volunteers citizens was established at that time to work with members of the Town's Department of Community Services. 

The committee unveiled its vision for the green space during an Open House held June 6, 2016.

Visit the Coleman Park Project page here for more information.