The Kindersley Chamber of Commerce has launched a new initiative to encourage shopping local in Kindersley and to further stimulate economic development for local businesses. 

An increase in online shopping is taking sales away from small business.  The Kindersley Chamber of Commerce hopes to disrupt this trend with an exciting new process.

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We are going to be setting up SHOPKINDERSLEYONLINE for all businesses to participate in.  

This site will do two things:

  1. Inform shoppers as to all the products we offer in our Kindersley businesses.
  2. Disrupt the tide of online purchases and turn them back through our doors, strengthening the community in the process.

We are putting together the statistics to show what happens to a community when consumers purchase goods online or out of town!

Although the planning for this endeavour is in its infancy, we are excited about this new avenue for Kindersley’s small businesses and consumers.

We will be announcing dates for the informational meetings soon.

In order to participate IT IS IMPERATIVE that your small business:

  1. Is a Kindersley Chamber of Commerce member.
  2. Has a door doing business in Kindersley and/or has an immediate Kindersley profile.

At this time we are looking for the businesses that are currently NOT members of the Kindersley Chamber of Commerce. We are in need of your e-mail address, mailing address and all information pertaining to your business. This information will be used to further contact you regarding the SHOPKINDERSLEYONLINE program.

We will be sending a survey to participating businesses so make sure we have your e-mail addresses.


In the quest to deliver a SHOPKINDERSLEYONLINE website we are looking for individuals that enjoy shopping online.  Our idea is to create a website in which the people of Kindersley can use and still support local business.  The information you give us will be invaluable and will help us to produce a top notch site that people will enjoy using.




Your Chamber of Commerce Board