Installation of the new Main Street traffic signals is finished, however, additional pedestrian lights are to be added to each intersection before the project will be considered officially complete. Four more signals will be installed at each lighted intersection to ensure that crosswalks are safe to navigate from all directions.

Approximately $261,000 has been spent on the new traffic signals. This project was approved by Council in 2016 and delayed until spring 2017 due to contractor availability.

Each previous light standard was replaced with a new standard height pole and davit arm that extends over the roadway for improved visibility. As Main Street is also a heavy truck route, the signals need to be high enough to accommodate semi-trailer trucks. The previous Main Street infrastructure was outdated so maintenance was becoming difficult and replacement parts are no longer available. Safety was also an issue as motorists less familiar with Main Street often did not see the lights when red.

Accessibility measures were also taken at the corner of Main Street and 2nd Avenue East where sidewalk curb extensions were added as originally planned to account for the wider poles.