Posting for our friends at Diabetes Canada!
Step 1: Join the movement to End Diabetes by signing up yourself or a team for Lace Up!
• Register yourself or a team now at Personalize your page with your logo and how you’re going to move. I hope you will join us.
• Invite your friends, family, neighbours, community to support you or join your Team and encourage them to download the app.
o Your team members register at and join your team.
o All participants can download the free Lace Up app from the App Store or Google Play.
o Your whole community/team start tracking their activity and if you like take challenges to earn badges as you go!
Step 2: Consider HOW you will #LaceUpYourWay. Here are some ideas:
• Take on a Lace Up challenge. Lace Up to End Diabetes anyway you like! You choose the activity and you set the pace for your team… walk, run, ride or whatever you like.
o Monthly distance challenge as a community using the Lace Up app.
o Daily streak challenge as a community 30-, 60-, 90-, and 120-day challenges are on the app to promote healthy habit-building and regular exercise.
o Create your own… walk/run/ride.
• Start a Lace Up Day in your community with an in-person event such as a walk, run, ride.
o Invite your friends and family. Fundraise with tickets to play or watch your favourite sport, or a fitness event at your local facility, park, or studio.
• Lace Up 26 Challenge become one of our 26 teams for the “Lace Up 26 Challenge” – 26 teams or communities throughout the province of Manitoba each raising $2600 to represent the 26 Canadians that are diagnosed with diabetes every hour.
• Ask your family and friends to join your team to walk, run, ride throughout the month of September.
Step 3: Promote Lace Up on your social channels:
• Follow up Lace Up on Facebook and Instagram and share our posts on your social channels.
• Create new posts about what you are doing to #LaceUpYourWay.
• When sharing on your social media handles use #LaceUpYourWay.