BLAST FROM THE PAST! With the amount of trees, shrubs, and critters that call it home, you may assume that the Motherwell Reservoir has always been there. Plot twist – it’s actually a human-made area. These photos go waaaaay back to Motherwell Reservoir when it was in the process of being constructed. The construction began in 1912, you can see some more modern looking equipment, but back then, the best way to get things accomplished was with the use of horses. The Motherwell was originally used in order to have a water source for the Town of Kindersley. Once it was no longer necessary for drinking water, it was turned into a more recreational area. Trees were added and the first trails were created. Later, credit was given to Bill Linfoot for the planting of some of the trees in the area (Pope’s Photography). Please click to enlarge the photos!
Enjoy the short history blurb of the Motherwell? Be sure to check out the article by Kindersley Social which includes some of the details about the past and future of the Motherwell Reservoir.