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Latest News2019-06-21T20:44:00-06:00
1904, 2022

Happy Tuesday

By |April 19th, 2022|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

Happy Tuesday. We hope everyone had an amazing Easter with their family and friends. This week we have lots of options for you and your family to get active at the Kindersley Aquatic Centre! Take part in Leisure swim, public swim and toonie swim during our evenings! We would like everyone to know that we do have a lifeguard training course going on National Lifeguard! They will be doing [...]

1404, 2022

Happy Easter!

By |April 14th, 2022|Categories: News and Notices|

Have a safe and happy Easter! The Town of Kindersley Administration Office will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday! See you on Tuesday!

1304, 2022

Swimming Lessons

By |April 13th, 2022|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

DRUM ROLLLLLLL! We continue to thank everyone that has supported us in anyway they could. We truly are grateful for all the overwhelming support to the facility, our staff, instructors and all our programming. We are launching our next set of weekend Lessons. They will be the following dates below: (NO LESSONS MAY LONG) May 7 & 8 May 14 & 15 May 28 & 29 June 4 & 5 [...]

1204, 2022

Council Highlights – April 11, 2022 Regular Meeting

By |April 12th, 2022|Categories: Community, Council Highlights, News and Notices|

Town Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022. The following agenda items were resolved. 7.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to accept the recommendation of the Adjudication Committee and awarded Berg Industrial Service as the successful bidder for the WCEC Compressor project as per submitted tender, and the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) were directed to enter into an agreement in the amount [...]

504, 2022

Kindersley Aquatic Centre Upcoming Leadership Courses

By |April 5th, 2022|Categories: News and Notices|

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! Do you have student/child that is 13 years old that wants to become a lifeguard? Bronze Medallion is where you start them. Did you also know that you don't have your swimming lessons completed to start you journey to become a lifeguard? Only prerequisite is to be 13 years old and willing to learn all the skills. Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally [...]

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