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Latest News2019-06-21T20:44:00-06:00
3103, 2023

Elm Tree Pruning Ban April 1 to August 31

By |March 31st, 2023|Categories: Community, Local Media, News and Notices|

Dutch Elm Disease (DED) is a deadly fungus that can kill an elm in as little as three weeks by clogging its water-conducting vessels. Once a tree is infected by DED, it needs to be removed and disposed of properly by either burying it or burning it. The Town of Kindersley is dedicated to keeping DED out of our community. Every year the Saskatchewan Dutch Elm Disease Association (SDEDA) implements [...]

3003, 2023


By |March 30th, 2023|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

BLAST FROM THE PAST! With the amount of trees, shrubs, and critters that call it home, you may assume that the Motherwell Reservoir has always been there. Plot twist - it's actually a human-made area. These photos go waaaaay back to Motherwell Reservoir when it was in the process of being constructed. The construction began in 1912, you can see some more modern looking equipment, but back then, the best [...]

2903, 2023

Motherwell Reservoir Recreation (Beach) Area

By |March 29th, 2023|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

Motherwell Reservoir Recreation (Beach) Area THE MOTHERWELL RESERVOIR IS GETTING AN UPDATE!  This project will provide an outdoor recreational upgrade to the Motherwell Reservoir. This recreational upgrade is intended to provide a space for our community and visitors to enjoy in the great outdoors. The area will be a great place for all ages to have the opportunity to experience a no cost recreational activity. It will be perfect [...]

2803, 2023

Council Highlights – March 27, 2023 Regular Meeting

By |March 28th, 2023|Categories: Community, Council Highlights, News and Notices|

On Monday, March 27, 2023, Town Council held their Regular Meeting. 7.1: A duly recognized delegation presented to Council. Jessica Ross spoke about her concerns regarding the Motherwell Reservoir Recreation (Beach) Area. 8.1: Town Council resolved that in relation to the application to Subdivide Land SUBD-001304-2023 for a proposed subdivision located in the RM of Kindersley at NE 1/4 Section 08-29-23-W3M and SE 1/4 Section 17-29-23-W3M, and located in the [...]

2703, 2023

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT – Brett Kissel Concert Information

By |March 27th, 2023|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! Ben Chase will be opening for Brett Kissel here in Kindersley! We can't wait to host such awesome talent this spring! Get your tickets here: Or alternatively you can drop in and say hi at the Town of Kindersley Administration Office or the Kindersley and District Co-op Food Store!

2403, 2023

HEY! Brett Kissel Fans!

By |March 24th, 2023|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

HEY! Brett Kissel fans! We still have more tickets here at the Town of Kindersley Administration Office! You can also visit the Kindersley and District Co-op Food Store or if convenience is your style, go online to Ticketmaster: Better grab them before they're gone! A reminder that you shouldn't purchase tickets from anyone you don't know, we have been getting some scam messages in the comments and are trying [...]

2303, 2023

So Many Potholes

By |March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

tHeRe ArE sO mAnY pOtHoLeS!!! We know... surprise... we also live here and drive on the same roads! We know these potholes are a pain in your AS-PHALT, however, it's too cold yet to fix them! We can (and will) patch them up with gravel, but some are so large (I.E. the one near Tisdale's that EVERYONE is talking about) that the paving companies will need to come in and [...]

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