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Latest News2019-06-21T20:44:00-06:00
410, 2021

Fire Safety Resources

By |October 4th, 2021|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

View some fire safety resources here: Family Action Plan Smoke Alarm Tracing Activity Safety Message Activity Sheet Smoke Alarm Pictorial How to Make a Home Fire Escape Plan Hero Club Certificate Sparky Cut Out Activity Sheet Fire Prevention Yearly Safety Smoke Alarms Are Important Family Fire Safety Activity Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety Activity Sheet Smoke Alarm Safety Sheet Smoke Alarm Seek & Find Learn the Sounds of Fire [...]

2809, 2021

Remember to Remove Your Gutter Ramps by October 1st, 2021

By |September 28th, 2021|Categories: Community, News and Notices, Recreation and Culture|

Remember to Remove Your Gutter Ramps! Gutter ramps must be removed by October 1 until April 30. If left on the street, they cause damage to snow removal equipment. Gutter Ramps or Matting placed on roadways during the restricted time period may be removed, without notice, and shall be confiscated, impounded and/or ticketed by the Town of Kindersley. This regulation is listed as Section 8 of Bylaw 04-21, A Bylaw [...]

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