Council Highlights

Highlights from September 26, 2016 Council Meeting

Kindersley Minor Ball President Chad Miller was the first delegation to the Council meeting, providing an update on the organization's season, plans for future renovation and seeking feedback on the Minor Ball committee's hope to begin generating advertisement revenue, all of which would be redirected back into capital improvements at the ball fields.Elyse Moss and Tammy Anderson-Jackson, representing the Friends of Kinsmen Park (FOKP), addressed Council to provide an update on the community group's activities and to seek Council's support in renovating the outdoor rink at Kinsmen Park with the intention of having it in operation for winter 2016-17.Council directed Administration [...]

Highlights from October 11, 2016 Council Meeting

Kindersley Rodeo Committee President Tyler Ritchie addressed Council to provide on update on the 2016 Indoor Rodeo and to discuss initial plans for next year’s event.Council proclaimed October 9-15, 2016 as Fire Prevention Week in acknowledgement of the excellent service provided by the Kindersley Fire Brigade and to support fire prevention efforts throughout Canada. This year’s theme is “Don’t Wait – Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years.”Bylaw 16-16, an updated Anti-Bullying Bylaw, was adopted by Council with more specific references relating to Internet and cyber bullying, as well as terminology provided by the Province to align with provincial [...]

Highlights from October 25, 2016 Council Meeting

Council approved funding for 16 projects through the Community Grant program, totaling $10,107.25. The grant, which was established by Council in 2013, received its highest intake of applications this year, and will result in the full distribution of the $15,000 budgeted in 2016 for the program. The following organizations will receive funding:West Central Crisis Centre, $274.01Kindersley Chamber of Commerce, $750    (Goose Festival Parade)Kindersley Chamber of Commerce, $73.66 (K-Town Shakedown)K.A.W.S. Animal Rescue, $453.38Kindersley Composite School SLC, $595Pathway to Wellness, $750Kindersley Klippers,    $750Kindersley Pool Fundraising Committee, $750Whirls & Twirls, $750Kindersley Antique Treshing Club, $750Royal Canadian Legion 57, $750Spokes Family Resource Centre, [...]

Highlights from December 12, 2016 Council Meeting

Council welcomed two delegations to speak about a future swimming pool – Pool Fundraising Committee member Jamie Henry, who discussed her group’s commitment to continue fundraising and addressed some concerns with the lack of a specific concept; and Leaf Your Legacy Committee member Joanne Kosolofski who provided a review of the five-year campaign and also committed to future fundraising support if requested.Council directed Administration to prepare a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for an Aquatic Centre to be ready for preliminary review by Council at the January 9, 2017 Regular Meeting.Members of the Kindersley Youth Committee also spoke to Council [...]

Highlights from February 27, 2017 Council Meeting

Ruebecca Fiddler, representing Loraas Environmental Services, presented to Council an overview of Kindersley’s recycle collection service, and raised awareness about a variety of local collection issues such as over-filled recycle carts, or carts that are too crowded to be successfully lifted. Fiddler also showed a video of Loraas’ recycle facility, based in Saskatoon, which is available for viewing at Tammy Anderson-Jackson spoke to Council to address concerns about the implementation of Council-approved water rate increases in 2015. Anderson-Jackson claimed that the increase was inappropriately applied to water bills prior to approval, using her own record of personal water bills to [...]

Highlights from March 27, 2017 Council Meeting

Council was provided a detailed overview of the Kindersley Culture Plan final report and the various activities conducted during the year-long consultation process to develop the plan. Members of the Kindersley Culture Plan Advisory Committee, led by Sharon Haubrich, spoke about the main themes that emerged in the Culture Plan, which form the basis for a variety of initiatives and actions that are recommended as the Culture Plan is implemented in the community. These themes included thoughts on first impressions of Kindersley, prevailing attitudes and identity, and opportunities for greater inclusion.The Culture Plan, which will form part of a larger Quality [...]

Highlights from the April 24, 2017 Council Meeting

Two-hour limited parking will not be extended to the full length of Main Street. Council declined to make any resolution as such Monday night after considering the request of business owner Kathie Elmhurst who submitted a petition with 60 signatures supporting that two-hour parking be reinstated from 7th Avenue to the “North Service Road” from 8 am to 8 pm.Council selected Captain Grass as the successful proponent for a property maintenance contract to assist the Town in addressing properties subject to an Order to Remedy. Property owners failing to do the necessary maintenance required in the applicable Order will be billed [...]

Highlights from May 8, 2017 Council Meeting

Big Dippers Pool Fundraising Committee member Tricia Morton joined the Council meeting by teleconference to share the plans for a 2018 fundraising calendar the committee is beginning to develop as a money maker for Kindersley’s proposed aquatic facility. Morton requested that Council consider being photographed as a group for inclusion in the calendar, which will feature a variety of community information and portraits of other local groups and individuals. Council asked for more details related to project to be presented at a future meeting.Council considered two requests to waive false alarm fire invoices – one from a resident in a neighbouring [...]

Highlights from April 10, 2017 Council Meeting

Councillor Shaun Henry introduced the Safe Places – Youth Certified initiative and requested that Council consider approving a motion to implement the program in Kindersley. Established in Swift Current, Safe Places provides training and a designation for coaches, teachers, and community volunteers who work with youth to certify that those individuals have no record of impropriety or criminal activity relating to youth. The motion was tabled until additional information can be brought to Council. For more information about the Safe Places program: adopted the Economic Incentive Tax Exemption Bylaw (05-17), putting into immediate effect a new limited time tax exemption [...]

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