Council Highlights

Highlights from June 26, 2017 Council Meeting

Following successful negotiation, Council directed the Mayor and CAO to enter into an agreement with Pro-Bilt Structures Ltd. for the design services and work to construct the new Indoor Aquatic Facility. Members of the public are invited to attend the official sod-turning ceremony on Wednesday, July 5 and to celebrate the breaking ground for the project. The brief ceremony will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the parking lot west of the existing swimming pool site.During the June 26 Regular Meeting, Council directed Mayor Perkins and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bernie Morton to enter into agreements for two major capital projects:Western [...]

Highlights from June 12, 2017 Council Meeting

Following a delegation by Mater Tasty Concessions owner Jackie Altomare requesting permission to establish a mobile food truck in Kindersley, Council approved the implementation of an On-Street Mobile Food Truck permit fee in the amount of $200 per calendar month, per vendor, which will allow for such operations to take place in designated locations of the downtown area. The permit is pursuant to regulations outlined in both the Licensing Bylaw 45-94 and Traffic Bylaw 15-16, and is in effect on a trial basis until December 31, 2017, after which it will be reviewed by Administration for report to Council.Subsequently, Council also [...]

Highlights from May 24, 2017 Council Meeting

Joining by teleconference, representatives of the Safe Places initiative in Swift Current made a presentation to Council to discuss the benefits of the program and the process with which adult volunteers would become designated. Introduced by Councillor Shaun Henry, Safe Places is a community-wide initiative to reduce potential risks to youth and children by encouraging those who coach, teach, or work with youth citizens to become ‘youth certified’ through a series of background checks, education, and training. Administration was tasked with looking into the program further and evaluating whether it would be best championed by a community organization.Speaking on behalf of [...]

Highlights from May 9, 2016 Council Meeting

Resident Frances Chandler addressed Council to inquire about the Town’s recognition of volunteers and to suggest to Council that more needs to be done to recognize those who contribute to the community in any way.Council defeated a resolution to approve a requested 2-inch (50 mm) diameter water service connection line for the proposed Circle-K Convenience Store, located at 903-11th Avenue West since precedent identifies that a line of that size is to be solely for the purposes of fire suppression.Administration was directed to add an amount not to exceed $18,750 to the 2016 Budget to represent the Town of Kindersley’s portion [...]

Highlights of Special Meeting of Council May 13, 2016

At a Special Meeting of Council held Friday, May 13, 2016, Council directed Acting Mayor Shaun Henry and Chief Administrative Officer Bernie Morton to enter into the following agreements:A rental agreement with the Kindersley Rodeo Committee for the 2016 Rodeo to take place from May 26 to 28, 2016 at the West Central Events Centre.A lease and operating agreement with the NRC Community Management Inc.for the purposes of operating the Norman Ritchie Centre theatre facility as a non-profit organization on behalf of the Town and for the benefit of citizens of Kindersley and region, and further, that the final contract be [...]

Highlights from June 13, 2016 Council Meeting

Chamber of Commerce president Tom Morris addressed Council to provide an update on the organization’s activities, which Morris indicated would include a name change to Kindersley and District Chamber of Commerce in the near future. Morris, also a member of the Kindersley Rotary Club, shared some of the recent activities of the Club, specifically the Los Amigo project, which provides emergency response vehicles to communities in Mexico.Council had a lengthy discussion about whether to refurbish the existing swimming pool with the intent of re-opening by spring 2017 or to proceed with building a new facility with construction starting by 2020. Council [...]

Highlights from the June 27, 2016 Council Meeting

Following a lengthy discussion regarding the Kindersley pool and the present and future need for an aquatic facility, Council defeated a motion to refurbish the existing swimming pool and will instead continue to focus efforts on the construction of a new pool. This decision followed several delegations earlier in the evening during which a variety of representatives offered input about the options facing Council related to refurbishment of the existing 40-year-old pool versus construction of a new outdoor or indoor pool.Members of the Pool Fundraising Committee shared the committee’s mandate since it was formed in 2014. Spokesperson Michelle German stated the [...]

Highlights from July 18, 2016 Council Meeting

The new Traffic Bylaw (Bylaw 12-16) was given final reading and adopted by Council, with an amendment to Section 63, which relates to bicycle helmet use. The Bylaw, which goes into effect immediately, now states that helmet use if mandatory only for persons 14 years or age and under.Council rescinded its first reading resolution of Bylaw 08-16, a bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw, in order for additional amendments to be added for Council’s review. Bylaw 08-16 will be brought back to Council for first reading in August and a public hearing will be held after that time.Resident Lloyd Griffith expressed [...]

Highlights of August 15, 2016 Council Meeting

Resident Chris Douglas addressed Council to request cost sharing with the Town for the installation of a second water line to a newly constructed residential duplex.Council directed Administration to work with the Province of Saskatchewan and local insurance brokers to whom uninsurable property damage claims have been submitted due to recent rainfall in order to determine the Town of Kindersley's eligibility to be designated as an assistance area under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP).Council directed Administration to waive the $40 Temporary Road Closure Permit fee for the Goose Festival parade.Council approved the payment of invoices related to renovations at the [...]

Highlights from September 12, 2016 Council Meeting

Council adopted Bylaw 14-16, which amended various sections of Bylaw 03-14 (known as the Official Community Plan) that relate to service fees.Council also adopted Bylaw 08-16, which amends the Zoning Bylaw 04-14 with a variety of new and revised definitions, as well as a new section pertaining to the regulation of shipping containers (sea cans.)Council acknowledged its disappointment at the Minister of Government Relations' decision to deny Kindersley city status, insisting that the Ministry's guidance over the past two years suggested full support for the application. A formal invitation will be extended to the Minister to attend Council to discuss further.A [...]

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