Council Highlights

Highlights from January 15, 2018 Regular Meeting of Council

Council held a public hearing to discuss Bylaw 16-17, which amends the Zoning Bylaw by clarifying the definition for railways and ancillary railway functions. With no members of the public in attendance and no written correspondence about the Bylaw having been received, Council subsequently proceeded to give second and third reading to Bylaw 16-17 and adopt it.Council also approved revisions to the Procurement and Purchasing Policy that update the policy with references to current trade laws.Council supported the plan to consolidate three lots as per the request of West Central Abilities to accommodate a planned building project on the site currently [...]

Highlights from December 11, 2017 Council Meeting

Resident Todd Ecklin attended as the first delegation of the meeting, requesting an update and timeline to resolve issues impacting his and other 6th Street West properties, which Ecklin had previously met with Mayor Rod Perkins to discuss. These included installation of privacy fencing, rodent control, and concerns about hazardous goods in nearby commercial lots.Kindersley Airspray owner Colin Bevan addressed Council as the second delegation of the evening, identifying a variety of concerns with the proposed Airport Bylaw 10-17, which was scheduled for second reading during the December 11 Council meeting. Bevan suggested that better consultation with airport users should have [...]

Highlights from November 27, 2017 Council Meeting

Council affirmed the Children’s Charter of the Kindersley Integrated Children’s Services (KICS), as presented at Council’s November 14, 2017 Regular Meeting. In doing so, Council resolved to consider the principles outlined in the Charter when making decisions that will impact children and families; and encouraged others who are invested in the growth and development of our children and community to do the same. A copy of the Charter will be displayed some Town-owned facilities.Due to lack of interest and participation, Council decided to discontinue the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Advisory Group, but stressed the need for continued communication and positive working [...]

Highlights from November 14, 2017 Council Meeting

Kindersley Integrated Children’s Services (KICS) representative Arlene Goosen presented the group’s Children’s Charter, requesting that Council endorse the document and display it in Town facilities. The charter outlines the rights of children, which include the right to basic needs, to be safe and protected from discrimination, to be loved, and to contribute to their community.Brenda Burton, representing the Field of Opportunities grant program, attended Council to provide additional information about the arts, culture, and recreation-based community projects that have benefited from the program’s funding. Council subsequently approved a tax abatement request for the Field of Opportunities crop growing land for 2017 [...]

Highlights from October 23, 2017 Council Meeting

Council recommended Curtis Sackville, Deputy Mayor Ken Francis, Councillor Shaun Henry, and Director of Transportation and Environmental Services Kim Vogel to be the Town of Kindersley’s representatives on the Executive Board of the Western Regional Landfill Inc. (WRLI.) Final appointments to the board will be determined during the November 1, 2017 WRLI Annual General Meeting.Council committed to a 5 year pledge of funding to the Kindersley and District Health and Wellness Foundation Inc. in the amount of $25,000 per year beginning in 2018.Mayor Rod Perkins and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bernie Morton were directed to enter into a Lease and Operating [...]

Highlights from October 10, 2017 Council Meeting

Twelve projects were awarded a total of $7,691.34 in funds from the fall intake of the 2017 Community Grant, which was introduced by Council in 2013 to support local initiatives that seek to benefit and/or improve the community. Recipients are as follows:Pathway to Wellness $750  Kindersley Chamber of Commerce $750West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre Inc. $306.84Kindersley Screen $750New Life Community Church $750Friends of Kinsmen Park $750KAWS Animal Rescue $750Prairie West Growing Project $561.50Kinder Kollege Inc. $400West Central Abilities Inc. $750Kobra Football Parents Association $420NRC Community Management Inc. $750Council approved a motion to support the re-certification of the gun range [...]

Highlights from September 25, 2017 Council Meeting

Lorne Kelsey and Patty Brotzel-Close, representatives of NRC Community Management Inc., addressed Council as a delegation to provide a report on renovation work that has taken place at the Norman Ritchie Community Centre over the past year. The organization was successful in obtaining a Community Investment Fund matching grant of $20,000 to assist with the cost of furnace replacement, and would like to proceed with building a kitchen on the main floor to enhance the facility’s potential for bookings. Mayor Rod Perkins requested that firm estimates be brought back to Council for the desired future projects so that they can be [...]

Highlights from September 11, 2017 Council Meeting

Friends of Kinsmen Park representative Tammy Anderson-Jackson attended Council’s September 11 meeting to provide an update on the local non-profit committee’s plan for Kinsmen Park, which includes construction of The Shack. The proposed new building will replace the existing ice shack and will house a concession, heated dressing room, and both heated and unheated storage rooms. Anderson-Jackson said the project will be funded by donations and is expected to be under construction by spring 2018.Four Kindersley volunteers were formally recognized for their contributions by Molson Canadian after being nominated in the beer company’s A Taste of Who We Are volunteer recognition [...]

Highlights from August 14, 2017 Council Meeting

Resident Jason Hankewich appeared before Council to discuss the creation of an outdoor basketball court in Elks Park adjacent to the Norman Ritchie Community Centre. Council and Administration both expressed support for the project and a resolution was passed for Administration to work with Hankewich to inform and solicit support from residents in the immediate area and to address any concern prior to construction. The basketball court will be paid for by private donations. Council requested that Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bernie Morton report back to Council on the project at Council’s next meeting in September.Kindersley Slo-Pitch Association member Kurt Wagner [...]

Highlights from July 17, 2017 Council Meeting

Resident Brent Bacon addressed Council to share his concern about the lack of local representation on the Development Appeals Board. Gord Krismer and Associates were appointed to serve as the Town’s current Development Appeals Board in 2015 after attempts to recruit new local members were unsuccessful. Council said the current appointment is working well but expressed a willingness to advertise for local members to form the board once the board’s terms expires on December 31, 2017.Council authorized the Town’s Department of Transportation and Environmental Services to serve as the Owner’s Advisor for the design build of the Western Regional Landfill Project.Council [...]

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