Council Highlights

Highlights from May 7, 2018 Special Meeting of Council

Council approved Kindersley’s 2018 municipal budget at a Special Meeting of Council held on Monday, May 7 at 8:30 a.m. The $23.1 million budget will accomplish Council’s priorities of smart spending, building bridges, and making projects happen, and aims to do so without an increase in taxes.In addition to completing the Kindersley Aquatic Centre, Western Regional Landfill, and construction of a new Fire Hall, the 2018 Budget also includes increased spending on parks throughout Kindersley, fulfilling Council’s desire to improve irrigation and the overall appearance of the Town’s green spaces.  The proposed 2018 Mill Rate will be brought forward to Council for [...]

2018 Municipal Budget Approved with No Tax Increase

Kindersley’s 2018 municipal budget will accomplish Council priorities of smart spending, building bridges, and making projects happen, and aims to do so without an increase in taxes.Completion of the Kindersley Aquatic Centre, Western Regional Landfill, and construction of a new Fire Hall are the notable highlights of the $23.1 million budget, which was approved at a Special Meeting of Council held at 8:30 a.m. today in Council Chambers. Council has not yet approved the 2018 Mill Rate and Mill Rate Factors that determines final taxes incurred by property owners. Those rates will be brought to Council for approval later this month.The [...]

Road and Water Main Infrastructure Work Approved for 2018

Council has approved the Town of Kindersley's planned road and underground infrastructure work for 2018 and will invest approximately $1.08 million in water main replacement, sidewalk and road reconstruction, and asphalt paving. The primary areas for work in 2018 will be King Drive and 2nd Street West (from Carmichael Avenue to King Drive), with some additional sidewalk sections and asphalt patching completed in priority areas throughout town.The following firms were approved by Council during the April 23 Council Meeting as the successful bidders for the three major components of the infrastructure work:GeeBee Construction - 2018 Water Main Replacement program, $324,660 plus [...]

Highlights from April 23, 2018 Council Meeting

Joanne Bradbury, representing Enbridge Inc., attended Council to provide information about the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline replacement project, which consists of nine construction spreads from the Hardisty, AB origin to the final U.S. destination near the Minnesota/Wisconsin border. Kindersley is within the second spread (region) of work for the project and construction is scheduled to begin in the area by August 2018. Enbridge reps Joel McKim and Tyler Lyne joined Bradbury for the delegation with additional information about the process of negotiating with landowners along the pipeline’s path and efforts that will be made with regard to community safety, contracting of labourers, [...]

Highlights from April 9, 2018 Council Meeting

Mayor Rod Perkins invited all in attendance at Monday's Regular Meeting of Council to share in a moment of silent prayer and reflection for the Humboldt Broncos, their families, the community of Humboldt, and for all those impacted by the tragic bus accident on April 6, 2018.Earlier that day, Mayor Perkins lowered the Kindersley Administration Office flags to half-mast. A book of condolences was also set up at the Administration Office. Members of the public are welcome to sign this book and send written greetings and condolences.Council directed the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to enter into an Independent Contractor Agreement [...]

Highlights of March 26, 2018 Council Meeting

Kindersley Iron Horse Klippers president Brett Sautner addressed Council to request support in helping to stabilize the team’s financial position. Sautner presented a business plan that detailed opportunities for increased community involvement and revenue generation, and asked Council to consider subsidizing the Klippers’ ice time to help position the team for success in the short term.Council acknowledged that the Klippers bring great value to the community but also expressed a desire to hear input from the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League (SJHL) about proposed changes to the league’s overall business model that would provide better support to individual teams. Council agreed to [...]

Highlights from March 12, 2018 Council Meeting

Councillor Rob Anderson was officially sworn in as the newest member of the Council of the Town of Kindersley and joined in the proceedings for the March 12 regular meeting. He was elected by acclamation on March 8, 2018 to fill the position left vacant by former Council member Ken Francis.Loraas Environmental Services manager Ruebecca Fiddler addressed Council to discuss changes in the single stream recycling program. Effective April 1, 2018, Loraas will no longer be accepting plastic bags and other forms of post-consumer plastic film in the blue recycle carts. Read more...Council amended the List of Representatives to Committees and [...]

Highlights from the February 26, 2018 Council Meeting

Mayor Rod Perkins acknowledged that, with no formal complaints pertaining to additional lighting near Kinsmen Park having been received, the plan to install three street lights in the 4th Ave West alley adjacent to Kinsmen Park will proceed.Council resolved that, while not being an approving authority, there are no concerns of Council regarding a subdivision application (R0974-17S) to the Community Planning Division of the Government of Saskatchewan for RM of Kindersley land near the Town’s municipal limits. Feedback on the application was requested by the Community Planning Division.At a Special Meeting of Council held February 15, 2018, Council adopted Bylaw 05-18, [...]

Highlights from February 12, 2018 Council Meeting

Council appointed Councillor Shaun Henry as Deputy Mayor for a term of two years, effective immediately, to fill the vacant position left by former councillor Ken Francis who announced his resignation at the January 29 meeting. Tessa Sautner represented the 2017 Youth Committee to accept the Saskatchewan Municipal Award from Mayor Rod Perkins, which was presented to the Town of Kindersley at the annual convention of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) in early February to recognize the Youth Committee initiative.Kindersley Minor Ball rep Chad Miller was the second delegation of the evening, providing Council with an update on planned improvements for [...]

Highlights from January 29, 2018 Council Meeting

Mayor Rod Perkins and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bernie Morton were directed to enter into a Non-Exclusive Occupancy Agreement with Kindersley Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) for the shared use of the Animal Pound.Council also directed administration to purchase a SCADA software key ($12,305, plus applicable taxes) for the Water Treatment Plant to ensure efficiency of the system. This purchase will form a part of the 2018 operating budget.The following appointments were made by Council for 2018:Deputy Administrator – Director of Corporate Services, Audrey HebertAuditor – MNP LLPAssessor – Director of Corporate Services, Audrey HebertBuilding InspectorsChris Gates, BuildTECH Consulting & Inspections Inc. [...]

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