Council Highlights

Council Highlights October 9, 2018

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018. The following resolutions weremade regarding bylaws, the community grant "Fall Intake", and Waste Reduction week.Council approved the second and third reading of Bylaw 11-18 Being a Bylaw to Amend 04-14 Known asthe Town of Kindersley Zoning Bylaw.The community grant "Fall Intake" has allocated $750.00 each to Kindersley & District Chamber ofCommerce, Kindersley Players, and Friday FX Community Youth at this time for a total amount of$2,250.00.In accordance with the Tax Enforcement Act, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is authorized toproceed with tax enforcement on a list of properties as submitted.Council [...]

Council Highlights Sept. 24 Regular Meeting

 Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday September 24, 2018. The following resolutions were made regarding our new CAO, a home-based business request, servicing agreements, and fire prevention week. Audrey Hebert was appointed as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) in the Town of Kindersley. The position will be effective October 1st. Council approved the Home-Based Application (HB#18-02) for a discretionary use at a local residence as long as terms and conditions are followed. Mayor Rod Perkins and Chief Administrative Officer were directed by Council to enter into a servicing Agreement with Golfview Mobile Acres (1994) Ltd. Council accepted as submitted the list of accounts as paid [...]

Council Highlights Sept. 10 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday September 10, 2018. The following resolutions were made regarding bylaws, the firehall design and build project, and suicide prevention day.After a second reading of Bylaw 10-18 being a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 03-14, Town of Kindersley Official Community Plan it was read a third time and approved.Council agreed to give a first reading to Bylaw 11-18 being a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 04-14, the Town of Kindersley Zoning Bylaw. It was agreed that Bylaw 11-18 be brought forward to the October 9, 2018 Regular Meeting of Council after having met the legislated [...]

Special Meetings of Council Held July 27 and August 1, 2018

Special Meetings of Council were held on July 27 and August 1, 2018 to discuss matters needing attention prior to the next Regular Meeting of Council on August 20.During the July 27 meeting, Council approved first reading of Bylaw 09-18, a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 04-14 known as the Zoning Bylaw. The Bylaw amends and updates the Land Use Map within the Zoning Bylaw to include rezoning of civic address 802-11th Avenue East. It will be brought back to the August 20, 2018 Regular Meeting for public hearing followed by second and third reading.Council also directed Administration to submit a subdivision [...]

Highlights from July 16, 2018 Council Meeting

Council directed Administration to make application to the Ministry of Government Relations to have the Town of Kindersley designated an eligible assistance area under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP), which provides financial assistance for restoring essential services and property. The application relates to the July 10 thunderstorm that resulted in excessive rainfall totalling at least 32 mm throughout Kindersley and substantial property damage.Resident Juliette Schonnop addressed Council as a delegation to discuss concerns about drainage around 2nd Avenue East and the issues experienced during the heavy. Council supported establishing a committee to work with Administration to research options that would [...]

Highlights from June 25, 2018 Council Meeting

Approximately two dozen Kindersley residents primarily representing the neighbourhood of Coleman Crescent and Caleb Village addressed Council to voice opinions on the location of the proposed West Central Safe Shelter near their property. The project, an initiative proposed by the West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre, was first publicly acknowledge with an open forum held Tuesday, June 19 at Caleb Village with the intent of soliciting feedback from residents of the area. Spokespersons Keith Isberg and Greg Dionne said the group’s primary concerns related to safety for children and impact to property values, but they acknowledged the need for the [...]

Notice to Amend Zoning Bylaw 04-14 with Bylaw 07-18

Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Kindersley, pursuant to Section 207 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, intends to consider Bylaw 07-18, A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 04-14, known as the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Kindersley.INTENT The proposed Bylaw 07-18 would amend the Zoning Bylaw 04-14 as follows: Section 4.8 (e) is amended by deleting 4.8 (e) and replacing it with the following:4.8 (e) In any Residential (RA) District, accessory buildings shall be located a minimum of 1.0 metres from behind the rear line of the principal building;With the exception of the Acreage Residential [...]

Highlights from June 11, 2018 Council Meeting

Council has approved West Central Events Centre ice rates for the 2018-19 regular season. As recommended by Administration, there will be no increase to fees, with the exception of the primetime spring ice fees, which will increase from $170/hour to $200/hour plus tax and capital fees. The non-local adult fee was also eliminated in favour of one regular adult rate. The 2018-19 ice rates take effect immediately.Mayor Rod Perkins and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bernie Morton were directed by Council to enter into an Easement Agreement with SaskEnergy Incorporated for land located in the Brookhollow Estates residential development.For the purpose of [...]

Highlights from May 28 ,2018 Council Meeting

Council approved the 2018 Mill Rate and Minimum Tax at its Regular Meeting, in addition to Bylaw 06-18, which establishes the Mill Rate Factors for the Town of Kindersley. Minimum municipal tax for residential property remains $1,240, and for commercial and other properties, $2,140.The 2018 Municipal Uniform Mill Rate remains unchanged at 9.7, and the following Mill Rate Factors will be applied to the uniform mill rate and levied against taxable land, improvements, and property:ClassificationFactorAgricultural1.0742Residential, Multi-Unit Residential,Condominium0.7935Commercial/Industrial, Elevators, Railway Rights of Way, Pipeline1.3198Council deferred making a decision on whether to permit a cannabis retail store within Kindersley town limits until January [...]

Highlights from May 14, 2018 Council Meeting

Deputy Mayor Shaun Henry presented Municipal Long Service Award medals from the Canadian Volunteer Fire Service Association to three members of the Kindersley Fire Department in recognition of their years of volunteer service to the fire brigade – Fire Chief Ron Hope (37 years), Deputy Fire Chief Rod Stevens (32 years), and Senior Captain David Burke (40 years).With most members of the Fire Department in attendance to witness, Council passed a resolution directing Administration to publish the Request for Tender for construction of a new fire hall at 111 Railway Avenue West.Rahim Mohamed, Director of Soccer for the Saskatchewan Soccer Association, [...]

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