Council Highlights

Council Highlights – June 10, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding discretionary use applications, condenser replacement at the West Central Events Centre, and the Community Airport Partnership Program grant.Home-based business application HB#19-04 was approved for discretionary use at the residence of #3-10 Clark Drive on the condition that all regulations of a home-based business in Kindersley are followed.Council approved the discretionary use application for a Bulk Fuel and Storage Facility (DU#19-05) located at 808-12th Street West on the condition that all regulations of the Town of Kindersley are followed.Chief Administrative Officer, Audrey Hebert and Deputy [...]

Council Highlights – May 27, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, May 27, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding the abatement of taxes, a successful bidder for the East Servicing Expansion project, and Recreation and Parks Month.Council resolved to authorize the abatement of taxes in the amount of $695.82.Home-based application (HB#19-03) was approved for a Discretionary Use at the residence of 218-4th Avenue East on the condition that all regulations of a home-based business in Kindersley are followed.DC Trenching Ltd. was rewarded as the successful bidder for the East Crossing Servicing Expanion project.Documents related to the Motherwell - Slowpitch Irrigation Project were reviewed [...]

Council Highlights – May 13, 2019

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, May 13, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding the 2019 Capital and Operating Budget, Mill Rates and Minimum Tax, and various Bylaws.A public hearing was held to discuss Bylaw 06-19 being a Bylaw to amend Bylaw 03-14 known as the Official Community Plan and Bylaw 07-19 being a Bylaw to amend Bylaw 04-14 known as the Zoning Bylaw. Hearing no objections, Council approved the second and third readings of the Bylaws.The Operating and Capital Budget was adopted for the year of 2019.The 2019 Mill Rate was adopted by Council.The abatement of the [...]

Council Highlights – April 22, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, April 22, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding the Community Grant Program, the demolition of the Kindersley Water Tower, and the Transferring to Reserves for the 2018 fiscal year.Council resolved to approve funding to successful applicants through the Community Grant Program. All applicants will be notified of the outcome.The recommendation of selecting Adair's Demolition Ltd. by the Procurement Adjudication Committee was accepted by Council and they are the successful proponent for the Water Tower deconstruction project.Council resolved to transfer funds from the 2018 fiscal year to the Fire Hall Reserve ($500,000), Pool [...]

Council Highlights – April 8, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, April 8, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding Bylaw Officers, the list of accounts paid by the Town of Kindersley, and Bylaw 05-19.Council resolved to appoint Melissa Torrens and Joseph Newling as Bylaw Officers within the Town of Kindersley pursuant to Section 373 of the Municipalities Act. The two will be considered as Peace Officers for the purposes of bylaw enforcement under The Summary Offenses Procedure Act, 1990. This appointment is effective immediately.The accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley were accepted as submitted in the amount of $273,102.80.The first reading [...]

Council Highlights – March 23, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, March 25, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding an Independent Contractor Agreement, a Servicing Agreement, and Volunteer Appreciation Week.Council resolved to enter into an Independant Contractor Agreement with Western Salvage Ltd. for the collection, processing, removing, and disposing of any scrap metal material at the Kindersley Recycle Facility.A resolution was made to enter into a Servicing Agreement with Quest Development Inc for the purpose of development of approximately 1.27 acres of land in the NE 1/4 11-29-23-W3M.Council accepted as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and [...]

Council Highlights – March 11, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, March 11, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding the amendment to Bylaw 04-14 Known as the Zoning Bylaw, services for the new Fire Hall, and accepting the accounts of the Town of Kindersley.A new Councillor was sworn in at the meeting. Chris Baker, manager of family-owned business Luk Plumbing, Heating, & Electric Ltd. will be joining the team for the remainder of the term.Council held a public hearing in regards to the amendments to Bylaw 04-14 Known as the Zoning Bylaw. The amendments included the regulations of the sale and production of [...]

Town of Kindersley Public Notice Regarding Cannabis Production Facilities and Cannabis Retail Stores

Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Kindersley intends to adopt a bylaw under the Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No.04 -14, known as the Zoning Bylaw.INTENTThe proposed bylaw amendment will:Add new definitions for “Cannabis Production Facility” and “Cannabis Retail Store”;Add discretionary use criteria for Cannabis Production Facilities;Add discretionary use criteria for Cannabis Retail Stores requiring that they be setback at least 150 metres from schools, playgrounds, parks, licensed daycares and places of worship;Add sign regulations for Cannabis Production Facilities and Cannabis Retail Stores that restrict imagery or wording directed at minors;In the [...]

Council Highlights – February 25, 2019 Regular Meeting

Council Highlights - February 25 Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, February 25, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding a new Deputy Mayor, an Easement Agreement with Peavey Mart, and Bylaw 02-19. Councillor Randy Ervine was appointed to serve as the Deputy Mayor as Deputy Mayor Shaun Henry and his family will be moving from the Town of Kindersley. Mayor Perkins thanked Deputy Mayor Henry for his years of Council Involvement and community service. An Easement Agreement with Peavey Mart was entered for the purpose of creating a Downtown Community Greenspace. Council resolved to enter into a [...]

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