Council Highlights

Council Highlights – October 28, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 28th. Resolutions regarding representatives to the Western Regional Landfill Inc. Executive Board, Lands with Arrears of Taxes, and the Curling Club Reserve were made. Council resolved to recommend Curtis Sackville, Rod Perkins, Dean Galbraith, and Kim Vogel as representatives to the Western Regional Landfill Inc. Executive Board to fill the four positions allotted for Kindersley. The List of Lands with Arrears of Taxes as of October 2019 was accepted. Any property on the List with an amount owing less than half of the immediately preceding year's tax levy will be omitted from [...]

Council Highlights – October 15, 2019 Regular Meeting of Council

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 15th. Resolutions regarding a paving change order, the Community Grant Program, and a Heliport Feasibility Study were made. Council accepted Change Order #1 related to the previously awarded 2019 Road Construction Contract Agreement between the Town of Kindersley and Mobile Paving Ltd. The change order will increase the Colton Drive and Railway Avenue Road Construction to include 3,300sq.m. of the Ditson Drive paving project. Successful applicants from the Community Grant Program 2019 Fall Intake include: Prairie West Growing Project, Kindersley and District Chamber of Commerce, Kindersley Library Board, Kindersley Players, Royal Canadian [...]

Council Highlights-September 23, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, September 23rd. Resolutions Regarding a Discretionary Use Application, a Site Access Agreement, and an EK Water Board Capital Project. A delegation was in to share their interest in having a BMX park in Kindersley. A short slide presentation was given. Tourism statistics were shared from May-August of 2019. The Kindersley Tourist Information Centre had 2119 tourists through during this time. A follow-up report will be completed for Council. Throughout the Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign, the Kindersley location sold 4347 cookies! Thanks to our residents for supporting the Kindersley Aquatic Centre! Every full [...]

Council Highlights-September 9th, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, September 9th, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding accepting an offer in the Residential Contract of Purchase and Sale, a new Safety Manual, and the list of accounts. The offer of 45,000.00 was accepted as set out in the Residential Contract of Purchase and Sale regarding the property described as Lot 15 - Block 11 - Plan G9 and having the civic address of 211 - 3rd Avenue West. Council resolved that the property must be developed by December 31st, 2020. Council approved as presented the Town of Kindersley Safety Manual. It [...]

Council Highlights-August 26th, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, August 26, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding the list of accounts, two proclamations, and the consent agenda. Council accepted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley in the amount of $1,368,414.31. September 10, 2019 has been proclaimed as Suicide Prevention Day in the Town of Kindersley by Mayor Rod Perkins. Council encourages all residents to take a minute to talk to someone who may be struggling. The influence of a caring, compassionate person at a difficult time can have a profound positive impact on someone in crisis. [...]

Council Highlights-August 12, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, August 12, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding a new software system to facilitate tax and receipting, a road maintenance agreement, and a utility easement. Council amended the agenda to remove 1 item: 7.2 Request for Proposal-Kinsmen Shack Project. The purchase of a new software system to facilitate tax and receipting was authorized for an amount not to exceed $20,000 plus applicable taxes. These funds will be taken from the General Operating Expense Account, as not having been included in the 2019 Council Approved Capital and Operating Budget. The current software system [...]

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Council Highlights – July 22, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, July 22, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding an amendment to the meeting agenda, the wastewater upgrade project, and a Service Plan Agreement. Item 7.3 Enter into an Agreement Contract of Purchase & Sale was removed from the agenda. Council awarded Con-Tech General Contractors as the successful bidder for the Wastewater Upgrade Project (the Lagoon Project) as having met the tender submission requirements. Council directed administration to enter into an agreement in the amount of $6,854,328.06 plus applicable taxes. A Service Plan Agreement with SaskEnergy was entered to set out the "Terms [...]

Council Highlights – July 9, 2019 Special Meeting

Town Council held their Special Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding an amendment to the meeting agenda, road paving, and the list of accounts. Councillor Anderson was appointed as Acting Deputy Mayor and Chair for the duration of the meeting. Council resolved to amend the Special Meeting of Council agenda to remove: Item 6.2: Award Tender-Wastewater Upgrade Project. Mobile Paving Ltd. was awarded as the successful bidder for the 2019 Road Construction as having met the tender submission requirements for road construction, asphalt, and concrete. The agreement entered is in the amount of $1,868,740.24. The [...]

Council Highlights – June 24, 2019

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, June 24, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding Easement Agreements, a Contribution Agreement, and the cancellation of the Monday, July 8 Regular Meeting of Council. Council entered several Easement Agreements for the purpose of a sanitary sewer main on, under, and/or through the parcel of land. The Agreements included G-Mac's Ag Team GP Inc., the Kindersley and District Plains Museum (2010) inc., Rocky Mountain Equipment Canada Ltd., Saskatchewan Power Corporation, and TATCO Enterprises LTD. A New Building Canada Fund-National and Regional Projects Contribution Agreement was entered for the Provincial portion of the [...]

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