Council Highlights

Council Highlights – April 13, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday,April 13, 2020.The following resolutions were made regarding special measures for Council meetings in a response to a COVID-19 Government of Saskatchewan Public Health Order, the West CentralAbilities office and dayprogram facility, and the Kindersley & District Plains Museum sewer line connection. Council resolved that until further notice as provided by a resolution of Council, the following measures are in effect for the purpose of conducting all scheduled Regular Meetings and any required Special Meetings of Council (in accordance with the Municipalities Act, Sec. 125) - 1. Council Chambers, located in the Administration Office [...]

Council Highlights – March 23, 2020 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding a Discretionary Use Permit, transfer for the 2019 fiscal year, and Bylaw 01-20 Being a Bylaw of the Town of Kindersley to Regulate the Use of the Municipal Flag, Coat of Arms, Badge, Seal, Logo, and Chain of Office, and to Establish a Procedure for Proclamation Requests. Before beginning the agenda, Mayor Perkins addressed the continually developing COVID-19 crisis. He called for "cool heads and smart decision making" to be made regarding the social distancing that has been strongly recommended by the Province and [...]

Council Highlights – March 9, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley, and the Consent Agenda. A delegation made up of the Director and a Board Member presented information regarding the building of the new West Central Abilities centre. The group is in search of funding options. Council will discuss this further as part of the 2020 Capital and Operating Budget deliberations. The list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley was approved in the amount of $387,968.62. The Consent Agenda was approved [...]

Council Highlights – February 24, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, February 24, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding 2 Airport Lease Agreements, the Zero Tolerance and Unacceptable Behavior Policy, and the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley. Council directed Administration to enter into Airport Lease Agreements with Kindersley Airspray Ltd regarding Lot 4 and Lot 14 at the Kindersley Regional Airport. POLICY #AP-001 being the "Zero Tolerance and Unacceptable Behavior Policy" was approved and authorized for immediate implementation. This document will supersede any previous zero-tolerance policy and it will be available on as well as in person [...]

Council Highlights – February 10, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, February 10, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding the list of accounts paid by the Town of Kindersley and a Kin Canada proclamation. The list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley was accepted in the amount of $274, 570.75. The Council of the Town of Kindersley recognizes that Kin Canada has been a vibrant, responsible, all-Canadian association of volunteer service clubs devoted to the concept of serving communities throughout Canada since its founding in Hamilton, Ontario on February 20, 1920. Council feels each resident would welcome the opportunity to [...]

Council Highlights – January 27, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, January 27, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding a construction tender agreement, acceptance of the accounts and Bylaw 13-19. Council directed administration to enter into an agreement with Acadia Construction as the successful proponent of the tender process for the "West industrial Drainage and Roadways Improvements - Phase 1 & 2" Project. The list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley was accepted in the amount of $861,425.94. The second and third readings of Bylaw 13-19 Being a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 10-17, Being a Bylaw to Regulate the Kindersley [...]

Council Highlights – January 13, 2020

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding a discretionary use application, a license agreement, and Bylaw 14-19. Council approved a Discretionary Use Application for a Massage Therapy business to be located on Overlord Crescent on the condition that it complies with all regulations outlined in the resolution. A presentation was made regarding the Museum Walk of Lights event during December. In total, the Kindersley Museum hosted just over 1300 visitors and made almost $5400.00 in donations. The Museum Walk of Lights Committee would like to thank all volunteers, donors, and attendees [...]

Council Highlights – December 16, 2019

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding the tax exemptions, leasing and operations agreements, and dates of the upcoming meetings of Council in 2020. Council resolved to direct administration to enter the following agreements: - Tax Exemption Agreement with Rocky Mountain Equipment Canada Ltd. for a period of five years, ending on December 31, 2024. - Tax Exemption Agreement was entered with Marathon Equities Corp. for a period of one year, ending on December 31, 2020. - Cost Sharing Agreement with the Rural Municipality of Kindersley No. 290 was entered for [...]

Council Highlights – November 25 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, November 25. Resolutions regarding a Crossing Agreement with Canadian National Railway Company, acceptance of the list of accounts, and the Consent Agenda were made. A Crossing Agreement with Canadian National Railway Company for the lagoon and sewer truck project was entered into. Council accepted as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and in the amount of $400,368.18. The Consent Agenda was approved including items: Correspondence for Acceptance and Filing (Crisis Centre - Annual Fundraising Initiative, Sask In Motion - Blue Cross Go Out & Play Challenge 2020, [...]

Council Highlights – November 12, 2019 Regular Meeting

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 12. Resolutions regarding the accounts paid by the Town of Kindersley, Saskatchewan Multicultural Week, and National Child Day were made. Council resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and in the amount of $3,347,761.93. November 16 to 24, 2019 was proclaimed Saskatchewan Multicultural Week. Council urges residents to consider this year's theme "Who's Your Multicultural Superhero?" and to visit to find more information about multiculturalism in Saskatchewan. A delegation presented to Council regarding National Child Day. November 20, 2019 was proclaimed National [...]

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