
Ice Removal 2023

Ice removal process started today in the Events Centre arena. We want to thank everyone for an awesome winter season! We are so excited for our summer events! Coming soon - Brett Kissel & Ben Chase, Cirque Luz-Dalia, and the Kindersley Rodeo! Stay tuned for more!

Elm Tree Pruning Ban April 1 to August 31

Dutch Elm Disease (DED) is a deadly fungus that can kill an elm in as little as three weeks by clogging its water-conducting vessels. Once a tree is infected by DED, it needs to be removed and disposed of properly by either burying it or burning it. The Town of Kindersley is dedicated to keeping DED out of our community. Every year the Saskatchewan Dutch Elm Disease Association (SDEDA) implements a pruning ban from April 1 to August 31. The Town of Kindersley will strongly enforce no pruning or removing of elms during this period. “Elm Tree” means any tree or [...]


BLAST FROM THE PAST! With the amount of trees, shrubs, and critters that call it home, you may assume that the Motherwell Reservoir has always been there. Plot twist - it's actually a human-made area. These photos go waaaaay back to Motherwell Reservoir when it was in the process of being constructed. The construction began in 1912, you can see some more modern looking equipment, but back then, the best way to get things accomplished was with the use of horses. The Motherwell was originally used in order to have a water source for the Town of Kindersley. Once it was [...]

We Love a CATIO!

Sure, your neighbors might think you're crazy BUT what a great way to keep your cats safe and still give them some outdoor time!

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