
School Terry Fox Walk 2023

All THREE schools will be participating in their own Terry Fox Walk on September 22nd, at 1:15pm. The school band will lead them down Main Street starting at 5th Avenue East. Be sure to come out and support our schools! Please be aware that there will be road closures to keep students and staff safe. Plan extra time to get where you need to go!

How to Winterize Your Sprinklers

Reminder that as the weather cools off, you will need to winterize your sprinkler system! Here's a quick reminder of how that works: 1. Shut Off the Water. 2. Turn Off the Timer. 3. Drain the Water - Might consist of Manual Draining, Automatic Draining, or Blow-Out Draining. 4. Insulate Above ground components. 5. Always check the owner's manual before winterizing! Source:

Kindersley Aquatic Centre Annual Shutdown Dates

The Kindersley Aquatic Centre will be having their Annual Shut Down for Facility Cleaning & Maintenance from October 9th to October 27th, 2023. Please note that monthly & annual memberships will be extended by 3 weeks during this time! Thank you for your patience!

Coleville Fowl Supper

Once you've enjoyed the Goose Festival celebrations in town, visit our friends in Coleville for supper on Sunday night! #BeAGoodNeighbour

Community Trail is NOT an “Off Leash” Area

Please remember the Community Walking Trail is NOT an “off leash” area for dogs and other pets! For the comfort and safety of others please keep your pets leashed when using the walking trail. The only place your pet can roam without the restraint of a leash is in your fenced yard or at the off leash dog park.

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