
Adorable Find From the Past!

Found this very wholesome gem at the Administration Office from a Mayor’s visit to a Grade 2 class. Where is Grade 2, Room 108 from 2001, today? If you drew one of these, leave us a comment and tell us how you’re doing!

Council Highlights – October 10, 2023 Regular Meeting

On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, Town Council held their Regular Meeting. 7.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley recommended: Curtis Sackville Dean Galbraith Kim Vogel Warren Shafer As representatives to the Executive Board of the Western Regional Landfill Inc. as the four (4) positions allotted for Kindersley as per the per capita Western Regional Landfill Inc. (WRLI). Executive Board structure and that the recommended representatives may be formally adopted to the Executive Board at the 2023 Annual WRLI AGM held on November 22, 2023. 7.2: Council resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town [...]

Town No Longer Providing Recycle Bins at the Old Landfill

The Town will no longer provide recycle bins at the old landfill. People are abusing this area and we can no longer operate these bins as they are very clearly only being used as a dumping site. $5000.00 dumping tickets will be issued to anyone leaving recycling or ANY type of waste at the old landfill. This will be strongly enforced. We tried to work with this area for years in hopes people would respect the recycling area free of charge, but unfortunately we have to close this option.

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