
Hot Tub is Open!

We are very excited to let everyone know that our HOT TUB IS OPEN!!! Thanks again for being so amazing while we navigated chlorination change and delayed paint arrival.

Tree Pruning in Town

Tree Pruners are in Town! Please have vehicles off the streets between 8am and 5pm if possible where boulevard trees are present! Thanks for your patience!

Christmas Lights Are Up on Main Street!

You may have noticed that we have our Christmas lights up on Main Street! We are very excited about this and the Christmas season! We have noticed that there are a couple that aren't functioning quite right and we are awaiting SaskPower to give us a hand getting that solved! Thank you for your excitement! 

Unity Curling Club Junior Cash Spiel

YOUTH, you've been practicing your skills all season with the Kindersley Curling Club, now's the time to show our friends in Unity what you've got! Curling is an awesome way to meet new people, make new friends, and get some exercise!

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