
Hello Ukrainian Friends! Ukrainian Christmas Information!

Originally posted by: Dasha Hopson-Stepashkina on our Facebook Page Hello! I am looking for people who came recently to Kindersley and area from Ukraine because of the war. Please contact me here or at my cell 3064301374. I would really like to meet you all and get together for Ukrainian Christmas. I am planning something and hoping you will reach out. Also if you know someone please share this post with them. Якщо ви недавно приїхали до Кіндерслі (і сусідні місця) з України, будьласка напишіть мені, хочу з вами познайомитися і зібратися на Українське Різдво!

Snow Pile Sizes in Commercial & Residential Areas

Another reminder (we know you're getting sick of us) as we are doing our part in getting the snow removed safely, we ask you to do your part as well. Your parking lot snow piles cannot any closer than 7.1 meters from the street. This isn't because we're picky, but because it can block the vision of drivers and pedestrians walking, especially on street corners. This can cause accidents and injuries! Snow piles cannot be any taller than 3 meters (commercial zones) and 2 meters (residential zones) for the same reasons! We know everyone is busy, but it's best if you [...]

Where Do I Find the Snow Dump Area?

Our snow dump area is no longer located at the Old Landfill. It can now be found in the field near our friends at Walmart and the Kindersley Museum! As for snow plowing (because we know you are going to ask), we ran into a few delays and other time sensitive public works projects. We will be out and about again today trying to get things cleaned up for you! Thanks again for your patience! On the bright side, only 81 days until the first day of spring, better weather is coming folks!

Friendly Winter Reminder

Friendly reminder not to blow or shovel your snow onto the streets. It makes it very frustrating for our crews on roads they have already cleaned up, as well as it makes it even more difficult for residents to get around both driving and on foot. We know there is NOWHERE TO PUT IT as we have SO MUCH SNOW, but it does need to stay on your property or be hauled away to our snow dump area south of Energy Dodge, near the Women's Shelter (map to come). Even if you hate your neighbor, please don't pile it onto their [...]

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