
Council Highlights – February 13, 2023 Regular Meeting

On February 13, 2023, Town Council held their Regular Meeting. The following items were resolved: 7.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley awarded IB Story Inc. as the successful bidder for the Engineering Arena Upgrade Services as per the submitted RFP, and that the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) are directed to enter into an agreement in the amount of $216,900.00 plus applicable taxes. 7.2: Council resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into a 1-year Economic Development Contract with ShaeCo Solutions for the Initiate Bundle in the amount of $4000/month plus applicable taxes. [...]

Hot Tub Closure

The hot tub will be closed today, Feb 8th and tomorrow, Feb 9th, 2023 for routine cleaning and maintenance. It will reopen on Friday.

Having Trouble Shoveling?

Are you or a relative having trouble removing the snow on your sidewalks due to age or a disability? Please let us know! We are compiling a list of those who are unable to clear their walks and do not have helpful neighbours or family members to give them a hand! Please PRIVATE MESSAGE US with their name and address or send an email to Please DO NOT put personal information in the comments!

Swimming Lesson Enrollment Concerns

Thanks everyone for your support. We are just going through registrations & noticing that people are wait listing themselves on a lower level, but registering for a higher level so they get in to something. We appreciate the enthusiasm, but this does cause a number of concerns. 1) Putting your child in a higher swim level than their skills put them, other kids and the instructors at risk and no one gets the full lesson when people do this. 2) we don’t actually get reliable feedback for needs of the community. So when we have a class that doesn’t fill up [...]

Kindersley Aquatic Centre items in the West Central Online Radio Auction

DRUM ROLLLLLLLLL!!!!! We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Local Kindersley Radio Station AGAIN to auction off some of our amazing passes at the Kindersley Aquatic Centre for advertising trade. Below are the items that we have put in the February 2023 Auction. Make sure to make an account and bid on all the amazing items that local business' have traded for air time. We are very fortunate to have such a great station here in Kindersley and Surrounding Area!! AUCTION RUNS FROM FEBRUARY 8-15th!! Thanks for all the continued support we greatly appreciate it.

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