WHAT IS GOING ON: We know the satellite image is a little out of date (sorry East Crossing Mall), however, the concept is the same! Getting to Walmart, the East Crossing Mall, and the Coop Gas Bar might take a couple extra minutes again as we will have crews painting the lines on the 11th Avenue access and the road will be CLOSED.
WHEN: The road will be CLOSED starting at 8am TOMORROW MORNING (August 3, 2023). We hope to have the road reopened by NOON, we thank our residents for their patience as timelines can change.
DETOUR: We encourage you as always to continue shopping local! Ways to get to Walmart, the East Crossing Mall, and the Coop Gas Bar include:
– Using the access from Highway 7 by the Museum
– Using the newly constructed Railway Avenue Extension past the West Central Crisis Centre building (shelter)
As always, where there is construction, there are workers, please watch and SLOW DOWN as you pass work areas in town, let’s get everyone home from work safely!