Time for some “real talk” please read this post to the end!
We’re trying something new! We have decided to do a few segments on ~Fact or Fiction~ in Kindersley. We’ve noticed a startling gap in communication between all of you and us. We want to provide some knowledge and be open about information posted and we want you to know what is actually going on, versus what is just rumor or speculation. You don’t always have to agree with the decisions Council makes, because everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, we’d at least like you to have correct information to base your decisions on. We’ve highlighted a few of the comments and concerns that we’ve found on the Rant and Rave, however, we are certain there are more.
All feedback is important to us, but misleading and negative comments are not the way to build a happy healthy community. We all want “more things to do”, “more stores to visit”, “different restaurants to come to town”, etc. but no one is working together to solve these issues. How are we supposed to attract new families to town when all way say are negative things about our community? We ALL need to have a sense of community pride. How we talk about our community is how everyone else will talk about our community, how we talk about our community is how our next generation of kids will treat our community.
As always we ENCOURAGE you to come down and meet with us, give us a shout, send us an email, or ASK if something doesn’t seem quite right. We need to know what information is out there in order to correct it.