We’d like to put out a huge THANK YOU to those who have made such an effort to keep their yards tidy this summer. Here are some photos of our favourite yards (in no particular order) that really went the extra mile to make the residential areas of Kindersley pop! Just beautiful!
If you haven’t taken any time to clean up your yard, there’s still time this season. Some of the items that need addressing on some properties in town include:
– overgrown weeds & grass
– overgrown/hazardous trees/shrubs (please remember that we have an Elm Tree pruning ban right now)
– junk vehicles
– inappropriate storage of materials
– fences requiring repair
– dilapidated buildings
– reporting nuisance animals hiding out at your property (domestic critters/pets – Municipal Enforcement Officer, wildlife – Conservation Officers)
– pet wastes
If you’re having trouble cleaning up your yard due to age or illness, please let us know, we might be able to point you in the direction of someone who can help.