tHeRe ArE sO mAnY pOtHoLeS!!!
We know… surprise… we also live here and drive on the same roads! We know these potholes are a pain in your AS-PHALT, however, it’s too cold yet to fix them! We can (and will) patch them up with gravel, but some are so large (I.E. the one near Tisdale’s that EVERYONE is talking about) that the paving companies will need to come in and fix them. We have two contracts with paving companies for this “Pothole Season” with Northern Blacktop and ASL Paving Ltd. We know it’s officially spring on your calendar, and the sun has been shining, but that doesn’t mean that the weather is going to continue to cooperate as if it’s spring. Certain jobs can’t be done in certain temperatures, no matter what it looks like outside your window. We suggest enjoying this transition from winter to spring with a little bit more positivity, maybe a new hobby, and some much needed kindness! Remember, actual humans do work for the municipality and deserve some respect!