Since the 1950s 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been generated around the world and only 23 per cent of those plastics have been recovered or recycled. It is estimated that an additional 12 billion tonnes of plastic will be lost to disposal by 2050.
Plastics Thursday highlights how the circular economy can reduce the use and waste of plastics; motivate improved recyclability of plastic goods; and increase the value of recycled plastic by improving product design, use, and end of life management. On this day, we focus our recognition and celebration of champions that support the need to reduce plastic waste and are doing their part to take action.
Did you know that some shampoo bottles, shoes and other materials are being produced using plastic waste recovered from oceans? You can now build a deck with recycled plastic lumber and buy boots made from plastic water bottles. Join us on Thursday to learn more about how companies are turning plastic waste into a business opportunity.