We just want to remind all our patrons of the Hot Tub Rules!!
*Maximum 20 guests at any time, this includes small children
*Limit Hot Tub use to 15 minutes at a time and cool down for a minimum of 5 minutes before re-entry
*Elderly guests, pregnant women and guests with medical conditions such as respiratory or cardiopulmonary conditions should consult their physicians before using the Hot Tub.
*Guests with communicable diseases/conditions or potentially infectious/transmittable illnesses are not permitted in the hot tub due to high health and wellness risk to others
*Children using the hot tub must be directly supervised by a responsible caregiver AT ALL TIMES
These are all rules in place for your safety. The Lifeguards will be enforcing these rules and if they are not being followed you will be asked to exit the hot tub.
We appreciate your cooperation.