Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020. The following resolutions were made regarding a discretionary use application, a license agreement, and Bylaw 14-19.

Council approved a Discretionary Use Application for a Massage Therapy business to be located on Overlord Crescent on the condition that it complies with all regulations outlined in the resolution.

A presentation was made regarding the Museum Walk of Lights event during December. In total, the Kindersley Museum hosted just over 1300 visitors and made almost $5400.00 in donations. The Museum Walk of Lights Committee would like to thank all volunteers, donors, and attendees for making the event a success. They look forward to hosting again next year!

A “Wellness Policy” was added to the Town of Kindersley Human Resource Manual.

A License Agreement with the Minister of the Environment was made to install, operate, and maintain an automated weather station at the Kindersley Airport. This station replaces outdated equipment already in place.

The list of accounts paid by the Town of Kindersley was accepted as submitted in the amount of $2,275,119.07.

The third reading of Bylaw 14-19 Being a Bylaw of the Town of Kindersley to Regulate the Maintenance and Management of Water, Sanitary, Storm Water and Plumbing Systems was approved. Copies of Bylaws can be found at

Council approved the Consent Agenda including the following items: Correspondence for Acceptance and Filing (Kindersley RCMP-Statistics Report November 2019, HBRA-Membership Request, Water Security Agency-Permit for Construction, Con-Tech General Contractors-Status Report Jan 2020, Quorex Construction Services Ltd.-Certificate of Practical Completion)